Lakers Atop West, Again!

Whoever thought that the Western Conference was the dominant league in the NBA, this off season has made it clear. Every team who is expected to win the title has gotten better with the draft and some key off-season acquisitions.

Of course the early favorite to win the west has to be the Lakers, who also are primed for another championship run. With the addition of Ron Artest, their defense will be more dominant than ever before. Matching him up with two 7-footers, and sixth man Lamar Odom will be scary. Speaking of Odom, he just re-signed with LA adding what will be another productive season for the bench.

In all of that, you still haven't heard the name KOBE BRYANT. That's because this LA team doesn't have to rely on him as much as they did before. Obviously he is the main attraction but his presence cause so much chaos that his teammates shine more. Now with Ron Artest, he won't have to create as many shots for his teammates, and maybe will be even more deadly. Either way LA will be on top of the west once the playoffs start.

Even though I have a clear dislike for this team, they are looking really strong once again. And I'm talking about the San Antonio Spurs. They may be the whole bunch in the league but they still have a chance to regain glory. They added Richard Jefferson, who will give them a strong wing man who can easily score 20 a night. You match him up with all-stars Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili, and Tim Duncan and you have another winnable team. Only thing that may keep the Spurs out of the hunt for the west crown or even an NBA title, will be injuries. They played a big role last year, and can do the same this year.

Up next is the Dallas Mavericks, who are a bit old themselves but still have the right players to contend. We all know about Nowitzki and all he can do to help this team get over the edge. Finally, he has some help that will maybe make it easier for him to produce constantly. The Mavs added Shawn Marion who will brighten their offense, and sharpen their D, which is skeptical. The big question the Mavs have to answer is, who will be the sixth man this year. Jason Terry was great at this role last year, but if the Mavs want to be atop of the west the Terry has to start, and you move Josh Howard to the bench.

The Denver Nuggets, who everyone just become fans of should be worrying. they really didn't add anyone to help them compete with a much talented West. Unless the duo of Chauncey Billups and Carmelo Anthony stay healthy and dominant this season, while J.R. Smith is lighting it up off the bench, then they should be worried. They could go from being a #2 seed last year, to anywhere from 3-6. and clearly they benefited from having home court advantage, so losing it would be a tremendous downgrade for them.

The sleeper again in the west has to be the Portland Trail Blazers, who are young and now have experience having made the playoffs last year and almost advancing past the first round. They were hoping to snag a key free agent, which they didn't but they're still one of the teams who can cause chaos. Brandon Roy will have yet another successful season and lead this team to the playoffs, however I doubt they will make any noise unless they get a better power forward like David Lee, or Carlos Boozer.

Those are the 5 guaranteed teams. The other 4 teams who will be vying for playoffs spots are somewhat uncertain. The Hornet will definitely make it after adding Emeka Okafor, but where they'll be positioned is a bit up in the air. They can be like the 07 -08 team which was seeding #2, or the 08-09 team that finished 7th in the West. The Jazz are so unpredictable that they can even have their own show. their trying to get rid of Boozer who can make them a clear contender if healthy. They are so invested in this Millsap kid that they're giving up on right now, and worrying about the future. The Phoenix Suns will be another sleeper, because you don't know what you're going to get outta them. They still have Steve Nash and Amar'e Stoudemire which on any given day can beat you, but will they stay healthy and if so how good can they be is the question.

The predicted Western Conference standings when the season is over, and playoff time comes around.

  1. Los Angeles Lakers
  2. San Antonio Spurs
  3. Denver Nuggets
  4. Dallas Mavericks
  5. Portland Trail Blazers
  6. New Orleans Hornets
  7. Utah Jazz
  8. Phoenix Suns

Come Back To Reality!

Now at first I didn't mind this holdout by Lamar Odom, but now I'm getting annoyed.

Odom wanted a long term deal worth about 9-10 million dollars. To me that's a bit much for him, however LA was able to offer at least 1 of those things. LA was said to offer Odom a 3 year deal worth 30 million dollars.

Odom, who will turn 30 later this season should've ran with that offer. He wants a 5 year deal, but he probably wont be able to deliver as he does now during those 5 years. The only other team in the hunt for him is Miami, and what can he possibly do for that team. He'll aid Dwayne Wade in leading them to the playoffs, while also having a helping hand in their defeat in the post-season.

Odom and everyone else knows that Odom will only continue to have success in LA. Even though he's coming off the bench, he is still one of the most dangerous weapons in the league. Everyone putting LA's repeat on his shoulders clearly shows how vital he is to this team.

With Odom, LA is sure to make a third straight trip to the finals and probably win their second in a row. Without him, LA can still dominant in the West and make it back to the Finals, even winning it, but it isn't a sure thing.

I don't see why he is getting so greedy. Your poised to make 10 million dollars while coming off the bench, and that isn't good enough for you. I will say that Odom is the most versatile player in the league and probably the only 6-10 player who can dribble the ball like point guard while having the inside strength like a center.

Odom needs a reality check. Your not Kobe, Lebron, or D-Wade! And since your not them, don't expect to get paid like them.

I hope he doesn't think since he had a big hand in helping LA win the championship, they should repay him by giving him however much he wants. Let's not forget that last year Odom did nothing in LA's final defeat against Boston. He was man handled by every Celtic, and criticized all year until LA won the title.

He had one good year, wooooopppppttttyyyy dooooooo!

If he can do the same next year and be a force in the playoffs, then I say give him an extension maybe. But you can't just think after 1 good year out of 5 while in LA. He's looking more like Trevor Ariza now. Ariza thought since he had this one good year he should get what he is owed. The funny thing is, look where Ariza is now. In Houston, with a team who can barely keep their players healthy.

All I'm going to say is Odom needs to take a long look at what he is doing. He knows he wants more titles and LA is the best place for him to do that, so he needs to suck it up and take what ever deal is on the table.

He'll be back though. There's no way Odom is going to let another ring slip through his finger.

Artest for Ariza!

Sorry bloggers for the long lay off, but I'm back.

Now to the top story of today, which is Ron Artest coming to LA, while Ariza is probably heading to Houston.

At first, I was like WOAH!!!

But after thinking about it, it makes a lot of sense. Artest and Ariza are about the same type of player, except Artest has more experience. However, I think Artest is going to fit in perfectly with the Lakers compared to what others think, because he doesn't have to do it all like he did in Houston.

He knows that this is Kobe's team and Kobe's show, so he'll just step in and play his role to the best of his ability.

To be honest, Artest is just an older Ariza. He's going to be their lock down defender who holds all the opposing teams star players (which was Kobe's job). And on the offense end, he'll be a threat from the three point line, but his best attribute will be his ability to drive the line which opens up more opportunities for his teammates.

As for Ariza, he should be feeling stupid right now. All he had to do, was accept a mid-level contract and he would've won more championships, and became a bigger household name.

But he got greedy, and wanted more and now he's going to probably end up in Houston, where Yao and T-Mac are going to be out for most of the season. I would regret that decision as well if I was Ariza, but I hope he likes settling for ten points a game, because that's all he's going to get.

But the bigger picture is that LA is going to keep Lamar Odom, who I think can mesh perfect with Artest. Both are big, physical guys who will give teams more than they can handle.

I always thought that they should keep Odom if given the chance because he's proven himself time and time again. He's more of a threat, and by coming off the bench makes LA the most dangerous team in the West, and even the league.

Every team in the West was improving during this off-season, and for a minute I was a bit worried about LA's chances. But now after getting Artest, I'm more confident that they'll repeat as NBA champions next year because their defense is going to be unstoppable while their offense is going to be at the top again.

See you on the next go round Ariza!!

Draft Buzz!

With the draft just one day away, the Lakers have a tough choice to make. They don't need a lot of help, but they could use a couple of players to ensure that LA repeats.

From my perspective, I think LA needs to draft a big man, as well as another point guard.

Besides Gasol and Bynum, the Lakers have nobody else to back them up. You want to have depth with your bigs, because they stay in foul trouble.

And I think another point guard would be good because LA's point guards now are a bit tough to read. It's only a matter of time before Fisher hangs it up, and in the wings are Jordan Farmar and Shannon Brown. Both are good young players, but they weren't consistent when called upon.

I think Darren Collison or Ty Lawson would be perfect fits in LA's system.

With Collison, you get a great defender and a true point guard who will mesh with Farmar, since both were former Bruins. His defensive ability will make LA even better, because he will fit in perfectly.

Then we have Lawson who is a totally different player. Coming off a NCAA championship with the Tar Heels, Lawson is a versatile player who can cause chaos for any defense. He's probably the fastest guy in this draft, and he uses that to his advantage. He will be able to drive the ball and kick it to open people, and the Lakers have many great shooters, so it will make them pretty much unbeatable.

The player who I want to go to the Lakers would be Syracuse guard Jonny Flynn, however it looks like he's probably going to go in the top 10.

This kid I think is a player many people don't talk about, but he's going to be a force to be wrecking with. He's quick, athletic, smart, and very versatile. I think he would suit better with LA, because it will make him a smarter player, playing along the sides of Kobe, Fisher, and Odom, while also learning from the young guys like Famar and Ariza.

This draft is going to be good, maybe one of the best. It's a lot of great young players, with an incredible amount of talent. Can't Wait Until Tomorrow!

People Just Don't Get Enough

Even after the Lakers won the championship, they are people who still criticize them. I understand that some are upset because their favorite teams couldn't do what the Lakers did, but to continue hating on them makes no sense.

Many are saying LA only won the title because of Kobe, or because LeBron and the Cavs didn't make it to the Finals.

First off, if the Lakers were only about the Kobe show then they would've lost like they did last year against the Celtics. The Lakers had the best record in the West and that wasn't due to Kobe, but the team itself. Did Kobe lead the Lakers to 3 straight playoff victories against all tough Western Conference Conference opponents? I think not!

If that doesn't show it, just look at how the Finals shaped. It wasn't just Kobe that pushed the Lakers to NBA supremacy, it was his team. If Fisher doesn't hit those key three's in game 4, the series might look a little different. If Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol weren't double-double machines, while shutting down anything Dwight Howard or the Magic tried to do, this series could go either way.

So don't say Kobe is the only reason for LA winning the title, because it insults the great effort and hard work each and every player put on the floor.

And this whole story on how the Lakers were lucky that they didn't face the Cavs is bull.

It isn't LA's fault that the Cavs couldn't beat the Magic. The Magic easily handled the Cavs, and if the Cavs would've got past them, LA would've still beat them.

Lets not forget that LA was the first team to beat Cleveland on their home court. Lets also show that Cleveland was 0-2 against LA, so I don't see what them being in the Finals would've done. The would've probably got beat in five or six games.

People just need to respect the fact the Lakers are the champions, and that's it. They earned it, so give them the credit they deserve. When the Celtics embarrassed LA last year, I didn't like it but I still gave them credit so why can't all of you do the same.

When the season rolls around next year, we can discuss this all over again. Until then though, just let LA bask in glory.

Big Question, Easy Answer!

Everyone is raving over who the Lakers should keep for next year during free agency. Either Lamar Odom or Trevor Ariza.

Many say keep Ariza because of his potential and great defense, while other say keep Odom because of his versatility and overall talent. However the answer is easy, just keep them both. Both have stated that they'll take less money to stay because they love the team and chemistry that has formed within the organization.

Both were big factors to LA winning the championship and deserve to be payed great salary, but its clear that the money isn't their main focus.

"You want to keep the team together. We just won a championship, you don't want to see one piece not there. Hopefully we can keep everybody here" stated Odom on

"I'd love to come back. Money is important, this is our job here, but I built a bond with my coaches and my teammates. We have a really good team and I think we'll be good for a long time" stated Ariza. Click here for Ariza story on future with LA.

If your LA, you have to play this smart. You want to repay both of them for their hard work and efforts, but also stay within the cap salary. And I think GM Mitch Kupchak wants to win some more titles and continue to be the best team in the NBA, so he knows he's going to have to keep these players because of their big roles that helped LA this year.

Both Odom and Ariza deserve a bigger pay, but not to the extent everyone is making it out to be. Odom is a great talent, he can run the point, as well be a big man and his post game is ridiculous while being a tremendous rebounder. His long arms make him a great stopper on the defensive end as well. You have to remember that he's 30 though, so the question is how much longer can he play this well?

With Ariza it's a totally different situation. No one believed in this kid, and he proved to both the Knicks & Magic as well as the entire league how good he really is. But Ariza is only known for his three point shot, and defense. Both parts to his game are great, but he needs to add some more mechanics for him to become an elite player.

The Lakers are a young, experienced team who will likely be back in the hunt for the championship next year and that should be all the motivation Odom & Ariza need. And if you let one go, then that will ruin the team's chemistry because both players are instrumental to LA's success.

If I know both men, they'll come back, because they love LA and are going to want to repeat.

Goal Accomplished!

The Lakers are back on top like they should've been. They finally reached their goal of securing an NBA championship, and an easy fashion.

Last night's game proved that with hard work, and dedication, things will come to you. LA, as we all know suffered a horrible loss last year against the Celtics, and they vowed to come back and prove they were worthy of winning a title.

It was never a doubt that LA would win, however it was all on them whether they could retrieve it though.

Game 5 was just the icing on the cake, as some people might say. Everyone thought Orlando would come out and blow the Lakers out, but they knew that a true champion would close out the series now instead of letting it go longer. Furthermore, from the second quarter on, LA controlled and the game looked more easier as time passed.

What made it even better, was the team effort that was played. Everyone got involved, and in a big way. Five players hit double figures, and the Magic obviously had no answer.

Finally, the Magic died by their three point mentality.

They once again were getting great looks and couldn't knock them down. I'm still lost at how they got to NBA Finals by just being a shooting team. You have an all-star center, who is the defensive player of the year and all you do is shoot. Come on now!

Their supposed to be one of the top defensive teams in the league, and they play like this. There was no effort, passion or intensity in them in any of the 5 games.

But back to the Lakers wrapped up their 15th championship in franchise history. This title run started from last years 39 dismantling in game 6 of last years Finals. They did everything they didn't last year, to have a different outcome.

And this whole thing on how Kobe needed a title without Shaq to show how great he is, is a bunch of BULL. He already had three rings, and this one just elevated him as a player. He finally doesn't have to be the second person receiving credit for his teams success.

I'm proud of you Lakers. Bring this title home and celebrate. Come back next year ready to REPEAT.

The New Finisher!

The Lakers got it. This series is definitely over now.

This was the most important game of the series, and the Magic obviously couldn't close it out. Once again they shot the ball well, and still loss the game.

The Magic had this game though, in many occasions. They were down by 12 at half, and in the 4th by 5 with about 30 seconds left. But they never settled for a loss, they kept attacking because they knew it wasn't over.

Finally, Fisher does what I always begged him to do. Hit those threes. And they weren't just any shots, he hit two three's that really changed the complex of the game. The first was in the 4th quarter, with 11 seconds left, when I thought Orlando slipped away again, taking this game. I guess Fisher wanted to shut me up, because he just came down the court and popped a three in Jameer Nelson's face, which ultimately led to the game heading into overtime. If that wasn't enough, in OT he banged a wide open three which ultimately ended the game in the Lakers favor.

But that's what Kobe needed, just a little help. He kept the Lakers in the game throughout the first half, but he knew the only way the Lakers would win, is if he had some help from his teammates.

Luckily he got it, and in the nick of time I might add. Trevor Ariza came into the third and basically pulled LA back into the game. He was hitting shots that didn't make sense, like a three with two hands in his face and the shot clock winding down.

But if I was Orlando I would start packing my bags because it's no way you guys are winning three straight against these Lakers, especially back-to-back in LA. They have no type of rhythm or structure to their game. Even with the lead throughout the game, all they kept doing was shooting threes, which they weren't hitting towards the end. They don't know how to close out games, or have a singke player who can close it out themselves, like a Kobe Bryant.

I keep telling you guys, that Orlando isn't ready to be here. Their inexperience is really what is being highlighted, because it looks like they have no confidence down the stretch. They buckle under pressure late in games which LA capitalizes on. So like game 4, game 5 will be the same, but this victory will mark LA's 15th championship.

Another difficult, but hard fought win. Bring it home LA.

A Step Back!

Short and sweet, the Magic luckily won last night's game.

The Magic could've easily blew the Lakers out, but they couldn't finish. They had multiple leads of 5+ points and never increased it, instead letting LA regain their composure and confidence.

I will admit, they played a good game, but for everyone to say this series is over makes no sense. They only won by 4, and it's because LA made some errors early which caught back up to them.

LA played a good game. However, there were times where they looked awful in the way they moved the ball, and played defense. And what's worse, is how Kobe played. He's always yelling, and getting on his teammates when they do wrong, but last night should was solely on him.

He rushed shots, and didn't look for his teammates as much as he did in the first two games. He also was horrible at the free throw line, which is rare from him in this post-season. He's been shooting over 90% from the line, and he goes out and misses half of his free throws. Kobe, I'm all for pushing your teammates so they strive and make the team better, but you have to go out and do your end of the job.

LA's defense is what hurt them though. They let the Magic get to whole with ease, and that opened up a wide open three, or an easy pass to Dwight in the paint. And both were effective throughout the game. And I'll give it to the Magic they finally convinced me, that they deserve to be here. However, it doesn't mean that they'll just win the series.

That live or die three point mentality came back in effect, but if i were Orlando I'd still be worried. Your knocking down your threes, while getting a great inside presence from Dwight and you just manage to win the game by 4. They didn't capitalize on LA's mistakes and that will cost them in the future if they continue to do so.

And these [so called] Magic fans need to relax a bit, because it's only one win. They're still down 2-1 with the pressure riding on them. When they lost by 25 in game 1, where were you guys? You guys were all but silent, so don't go overboard now after they barely won. And I'm not even worried because I know La will take game 4. Kobe & company are going to be pissed at how they let that game slip away, and come out with no remorse.

LA has won at least one game on the road in each of their series this post-season, and i doubt that it will just stop there.

Game 4 is probably the most important game of this series. If LA wins then it's over, because the Magic aren't going to win three straight games against these Lakers, and especially not at Staples Center. However, if the Magic win, then it becomes a real series because you don't know which way it will go.

But LA will take game 4, with Kobe highly upset and maybe dropping another 40 point game. LA goes up 3-1 which ultimately erases the chances of Orlando winning the championship.

At His Best!

Once again LA proved me right, as they easily handled the Magic in last night's Finals game 1.

Everybody is on the Magic's bandwagon because they beat the defending champion Celtics, and the best team (record wise), the Cavs. People also think that since the Magic beat LA twice in the regular season, then it'll be a repeat performance.


A 25 point defeat doesn't look familiar, does it?

The Magic proved that they can only win one way. The three point shot. And that wasn't much help as they went an abominable 8 for 23. The sad thing is LA left them open at times and they still couldn't make shots. Click Here for Orlando's horrible shooting stats.

Moreover, Stan Van Gundy tried to prove to everyone that he could out coach Phil, when he really didn't even coach his own team. Why would you fix your rotation going into game 1 of the Finals? He got so hung up on the little success Jameer Nelson had, that he didn't play Rafer or Anthony Johnson much, who got them to the NBA Finals.

Credit has to go to LA defensively, who did a great job on Dwight Howard who looked frustrated because he couldn't do much. LA was physical with Howard, quick, and didn't back down from the challenge of facing him. That's all Kobe needed was a little defensive help, because on the offensive end he was a nightmare for the Magic.

The degree of difficult shots he took, was just an understatement of how great a player is. "It's a bit of everything."It's a lot of motivation. A lot of motivation. I'm using it all right now" Bryant stated on

It doesn't surprise me how easy the game came to Kobe. You have a smaller defender on him, who is a rookie, and you expect him to slow down the best player in the NBA. I guess the Magic didn't watch much tape of what Kobe did to the Denver Nuggets last series, namely Chauncey Billups, and Anthony Carter. And you would've thought their defensive stopper Mickael Peitrus would have been able to contain Kobe. However, that elevated his play because he played even better knocking down multiple shots with Peitrus in his face, causing a couple of great "and 1's".

LA basically won the game in the 3rd quarter when Kobe scored 18 of the teams 29 and the lead went from 10 to 24, as the Magic had no answer from that point on. And if Kobe's career Finals high of 40 points didn't do it, him dishing eight assists, and grabbing 8 boards did it.

All the Lakers have to do, is play this way another 3 more games, and the title will be back in Hollywood (where it belongs). I said this before and I'll said it again, the Magic aren't ready for this. Them just getting here was enough for their season to be successful, but it only stops here.

LA has to much versatility for the Magic, and their length causes to much problems as shown in game 1. Game 2 should be no different, except I think Kobe will score less, and get more of his teammates involved.

LA goes up 2-0 heading to Orlando, and they do it in easy fashion once again.


Taking a break from the usual LA posts until tomorrow's game 1, I have to comment on this LeBron stunt over the weekend.

Everyone has different opinions on why they think LeBron left the court without shaking any Magic player hands or attending any post-game interviews after their game 6 defeat. But the fact of the matter is, LeBron was wrong. WRONG, I reiterate!

I can understand that you're upset after losing, when you have the type of season him and Cavs had. They finished with the best record in the NBA, the Coach of the Year, and the MVP, but played effortless and looked lost throughout most of the Eastern Conference Finals. But LeBron, you can't blame yourself for the lack of support your getting. He single handily won them two games, and could've been 3 if he would've hit another game winner, but his team just thought watching him score in bunches was fun and would help them advance to the Finals.

That doesn't give him the right to just walk of the court, not shaking anyone's hand or attending the post-game interviews, knowing everyone will be looking at you.

Dwayne Wade, Chris Paul, Paul Pierce, Carmelo Anthony all lost during this post-season, but still had the courtesy to shake their opponents hands and show respect. So he is at fault, and should be looked upon differently.

And what makes it even worse, was the interview he did the following day. He thought by leaving the court early it wasn't unsportsmanlike, and how it was hard for him to shake a person's hand after losing to them. That's BULL! Click Here For Full Interview.

If he could do it during the 16 times the Cavs loss in the regular season, then what's so different from game 6. And don't say its because its playoff basketball, and the intensity as well as passion increases. All the great players in the NBA (past & present) have all lost multiple games, but never let it deteriorate from showing respect to their opposition.

I guess LeBron has something to work on.

David Stern is contemplating on whether he should or shouldn't fine him. The answer should be easy, FINE HIM! How can you let the face of your league disrespect other teams and have no consequence? LeBron has to learn that though you may take heart wrenching losses, but still shake your defeaters hands.

If your Stern, you don't want other players thinking they can do the same, so you have to make an example out of LeBron. The quicker, the better.

Unlikely Matchup!

Awww man, I really wanted to see that Lebron-Kobe Final. At least half of that is correct, which is Kobe and the Lakers are heading back

to the Finals. And I think we've got a favorable match up against the Magic.

I had a strong feeling if there was any team that would ruin that dream match up of Kobe and Lebron, it would be the Magic. However, the Magic aren't ready for what they're about to get from the Lakers.

The Magic's goal is to contend for an NBA title. Contend, I reiterate. LA's mission is to win it, and anything short of that is failure. And when you have Kobe Bryant who is putting everything on the line to secure his 4th ring, there's no way you can beat that. Don't forget about his supporting cast now.

The Edge...

LA definitely has the edge in this series, in more than one occasion.

LA is more versatile, and has way more experience than Orlando. LA can go inside with Gasol, Odom, and Bynum and easily dominate, while getting the Magic bigs in foul trouble. If that doesn't work, you have Fisher, Ariza, and combination of reserves Shannon Brown and Jordan Farmar who can light it up from the 3 point mark.

Umm and yeah, lets not forget that they have Kobe Bryant, the best perimeter scorer in the league. If the Magic thought Lebron was a tough challenge, wait until they get to the Staples Center. Kobe wants this more than Lebron or anyone else, and has a more dangerous way of beating you. He can easily go into the paint and draw fouls on Dwight, but he can also hit the fade-away, mid range shot, and of course the three pointer. One staggering statistic I want to leave you guys with.

The Los Angeles Lakers are 45-5 when Kobe takes less than 21 shots. Who else can you say tat for? No one!

The Magic's only type of offense is the three pointer. They live and die by it. So all Phil has to due is get Dwight in foul trouble, since he's their only threat inside which will definitely make Orlando shoot more threes. Orlando can't and isn't going to shoot a good percentage from the three against this LA team to win 4 games.

Orlando does have many match up problems that can cause any team disharmony and disruption. The combination of Turkoglu and Lewis is deadly since both can drive to basket, while also hitting mid-range and three point shots. But when only one of them is playing good, then it doesn't matter. Lewis had been stellar in each game this post-season, while Turkoglu has played sloppy and uncharacteristic. He's hit a few big game shots to overshadow his awful play, but you can't play awful and expect to win the NBA Title.

Dwight Howard has one good game, and everyone wans to jump on the bandwagon. Great centers play consistent, not only in the regular season, but the post-season as well. When he's at his best, there's no stopping him, I'll give you that. But Howard can't even stay on the court because he's been in foul trouble most games,and the Magic's chances of winning this series rest soly on him.

Final Facts

  • The Lakers are making their 30th NBA Finals appearance, while the Magic are only in their second.

  • Phil Jackson is 40-0 when his team wins game 1 of the series.

Prediction: LA in 6 games to win their 15th NBA Championship. And these Kobe-Lebron debates are put to rest, with Kobe winning Finals MVP.

Finals Bound!

LA has done it again. For a second straight year, the Lakers are heading to the NBA Finals. But the bigger story is how dominant they were in the clincher.

They dismantled Denver 119-92 while on the road. All of you LA haters must be sick now. You all thought Denver was going to come home and blow them out the water. I guess you guys forgot you were playing the best team in the NBA. And if your a Denver fan, then i think your going to need a new team. I would recommend a team that plays with effort, and passion because this Nugget team didn't.

"We have guys on the team that are very smart basketball players, so I could communicate something to them and they can just take it out on the floor and do it. And we were able to kind of learn on the fly" stated Kobe Bryant on

And Kobe did just that by teaching and mentoring during the game, while also still showing leadership. Kobe began his decoy role once again in the first and mainly second quarters. He got all his teammates involved in the beginning, then closed the quarters out.

You would've thought Denver had a game plan to stop Kobe from doing both facilitating and scoring.

Then it became the Kobe and Gasol show. I guess Denver didn't watch much tape of how horrible their defense was in the first half because they played the same way in the second. Gasol dominated the 3rd quarter on defense and offense. I knew if Gasol played as aggressive as he did last night, the game would be relatively easy. He is too strong, quick, and long. Denver kept double teaming Gasol which allowed his teammates to get open and let him be the unselfish player he is. LA finished the game with 5 players in double figures which was more than enough for the win.

But the game wasn't about who had to play better or step up. It was who wanted it more. Who wanted to win this game? Who wanted to continue on in the playoffs? Who didn't want to go home? Clearly we got that answer.

Denver easily showed they didn't want it, from the start of the game to the finish. The Nuggets only managed to stay in the for the first half because of J.R. Smith who came off the bench to drop 24 points. He had to play well for them to win everyone felt, but with no help, it didn't matter how well he played. Melo had a solid 25 points, but he couldn't hit a shot if his career depended on it. And his double team defense was horrendous because he didn't know whether to commit or go back to his man. Then you have Chauncey Billups, who looked as if he hasn't won a championship and been to numerous conference finals. He played horrible defense and led the team with 5 turnovers. Click here for Denver's lack luster stats.

Now there is no doubt in my mind LA will win the NBA title. They way they've played these past two games, has been scary. And no matter if it's Cleveland or Orlando, neither team has the drive as do these Lakers.

You can tell they want this more than anyone. Even while being presented the Western Conference Finals trophy, they still weren't happy because their main goal hasn't been accomplished. LA knows that they have gotten extremely better since their embarrassment in last years finals. They've got experience, confidence, determination, and passion which should lead them to a title.

He's Back!

LA's game 5 victory over the Nuggets wasn't a surprise, but just how easy it was.

Who still believes LA isn't the team beat. I told everyone LA would take this game, as well as the series and they're not making me regret that decision.

For the first time since the first round against the Jazz, LA played together, for the whole game. Kobe didn't have to burst out for 40 points, instead, only dropping 22 while adding 8 assists and 5 rebounds.

The first quarter had its share of stars. Finally, I don't have to rag on Fisher and Bynum who dominated in the paint. Bynum was a monster inside dropping 9 points, while Fisher was also aggressive by driving to the lane instead of taking long threes. Both combined for 19, which help Kobe because he didn't have to worry about carrying the team.

Lamar Odom however was the star of this game. I've stated many times that LA would only win the title if Odom is at his best. And tonight he was dominating with ease not only on the offensive end, but defensive as well.

The best thing about Odom's game last night was that he wasn't afraid, which was evident in game 4. His shot was blocked multiple blocks but he never stopped attacking the basket which made his teammates do the same. Odom off the bench had 19 points, to go with 14 rebounds and 4 blocks.

LA overall played better than Denver. Simple!

Their nine point victory should've been more, that's how dominating they were. The only reason the Nuggets were still in the game was because of Melo, who had 31. J.R. came back to reality by shooting wild three, and committing dumb fouls. Billups, who had to compliment Melo for Denver to have chance only managed to score 12 points.

Let's not forget about LA's defense now, which has been ridiculed this post-season. They were quick, strong, and put fear in these Nuggets. LA as a team combined for 12 blocks, which scared the Nuggets, and forced them to continue shooting three's.

Interesting Facts

  • Gasol managed to get his 7th straight double-double this post-season.
  • The Nuggets are 0-3 when Billups scores less than 20 points.
  • LA's 10-2 when scoring over 100 points.
  • LA has won 18 out of their last 21 home games.
It's weird how this LA team plays. They play sloppy and effortless one game, but come back the next and dominate, showing why they're the best team in the NBA. They're the most talented team in the NBA, and when clicking, are dangerous.

This series has been great, but LA will end tomorrow night, to head back to the Finals for the second straight year.

Blame It On The Bench!

Last night was another embarrassing game for the Lakers this post-season. You would've thought the Lakers realized how horrible their play was last series against Rockets. However, their back to their inconsistent play, which may lead them to an early exit.

LA came into game 4, with high confidence after a victory in a building in which Denver hadn't lost yet this post-season. Coach Jackson stated in the pre-game, how his team needed to play desperation ball, go for all the loose balls, play more aggressive, and out work their opponents.

A win would've sealed the series for the Lakers, heading back to LA up 3-1.

They started the game looking tired and Denver played on that making LA run up and down the court, which drained them even more. They managed to stay in the game with only Kobe and Gasol putting in work.
LA should've won this game easily with Melo under the weather (supposedly) and having an awful night from the field shooting a dismal 3-16, but knocking down 9 free throws for a total of 15 points. LA should've played on Melo's so-called twisted ankle by making him run up and down the court which would've hurt it more. However, LA didn't capitalize on it which led Denver to gain confidence, and stay ahead of the game.

J.R. Smith then entered the game and blew up. He has been shut down this series so far, and has to be considered the x-factor for Denver to advance to the Finals. Off the bench, Smith had an easy 24 points (tied for team high), and 4 assists which is inexcusable because he also got his fellow bench mates involved as well. Luis Kleiza dropped 14 points, while the "Bird Man" Chris Anderson grabbed 14 points.

Then the bench came in. I don't know why. It's a shame how awful this bench has played this post-season compared to last year. Last year, the leading factor in LA heading to the Finals, was the consistent bench play.

LA was only down 11 heading into the fourth quarter which could've been cut down if the bench hit some shots. Mainly Sasha Vujacic, who continuously is missing wide open threes. It's funny because teams are actually leaving him open knowing he's going to miss. That has to hurt as a player, when opponents don't respect you since their leaving you open.

Then we have Luke Walton, who i still don't understand why is on the floor. He has no impact on either the offensive or defensive end. He is another one who Denver leaving open to miss shots, which are relatively easy. He was never a scorer and Denver is forcing him to do that which he isn't ready for. He needs to work his shot, so he can draw Denver defenders to him, which lets LA's big man have enough room inside to do damage. LA's horrendous bench stats.
The biggest loser on that bench has to be Odom, who is only averaging eight points a game. This is the most versatile player in the NBA, and he should be able to score in bunches against this Denver defense, but he seems scared and looks a bit confused. Denver is playing fearless, and I think Odom is cautious of how to attack them, because he hasn't been able to do much. He needs to pick it up his intensity level, and start driving more to the basket where he could either make sum highlight passes, or draw fouls.
LA's heading back home which will easily propel them to a game 5 victory. I expect nothing short of great game, and it will probably end up another Kobe-Melo showdown.

Mile High Stoppers!

Kobe Again. Who's surprised, because I'm not.

Game 3 was no different from game 2 except the Lakers won this time. Everybody felt by taking one in LA, the Nuggets would definitely take the series. I know you guys have to be hurting rite now. Kobe and company showed why they are the best road team in the NBA, because they entered last night's game against a team who hasn't lost at home this post-season.

However, as LA's offense was clicking, their defense is what led them to the victory. Melo had 18 points in their first half, and was held to only three in the second half. With Melo as a non-factor on offense, Denver had no chance.

Gasol emergence helped as well because Denver is scared of LA's bigs. Their quick, versatile, and if double-teamed can make the perfect pass to an open shooter.
Once again, late in the game Denver got scared of the atmosphere of a close playoff game which caused them to make careless mistakes.

Trevor Ariza has to be sixth-man of the playoffs. This kid is doing everything he can, and is a perfect compliment for Kobe, and Gasol. Just like in game 1, Ariza stole another inbound pass with 36 seconds left which was the deciding factor.

Ariza then stated on that, "It was kind of funny." "It was pretty much the same thing, different players. But we got the steal. We got a win, that's the most important thing."

If that's not enough, he was also a dominating factor on the offensive end. He finished with 16 points, 12 coming in the 4th quarter. Some of that clutch-ness that Kobe has shown so much, has worn off on Ariza. Box Score.

Denver's confidence has to be low because they keep making the same mistakes each game.
Can you blame them though, their playing the best team in the NBA, with the best player. On that note, their still putting shorter defenders on Kobe who is averaging 37.6 ppg so far.

I know it isn't rocket science.

If you were surprised that LA won this game, then your just another jealous fan. This team has won at least one road game in each of the series, so you knew it was bound to come. A game 4 victory wouldn't be a shock as well, because LA knows they have Denver right where they want them.

Prediction: LA by 8, to take a 3-1 series lead.

LA's Lost, Instead Of A Denver Win

Game 2 was just as exciting as the first, but even better. The Kobe-Melo match up was still in effect, however both teams stepped up which made the game another classic.

LA knew a 2-0 lead heading to Denver would be critical, and they started the game as if they wanted it. Kobe still had the hot hand from his 40-points in game 1, by dropping 18 and leading LA to a 8 point lead.

LA was dominating, and it was looking to easy. Denver couldn't match LA's inside presence, or their outside range. Even in the second quarter, their bench still matched the starters outstanding, however LA got cocky and stopped playing defense.

Trevor Ariza is a star. He is the only Lakers who gets respect besides Kobe after last night's game because he wasn't only a defensive stopper, but a scoring threat. He scored 20 points, hitting his first score shots, while also picking up 4 steals. He provided a spark that Kobe needed, which made the game easier for KB.
How do you let Linas Kleiza, who rarely has played in the post-season so far come off the bench and score 11 points, while grabbing nine rebounds. The only reason Denver made a comeback in the second quarter is because of Kleiza which is unacceptable. They had Melo on lock for a while, but with the bench getting hot, Melo added another threat finishing with 34 and 9 rebounds.
Phil Jackson, once again is at fault for this loss. Both Shannon Brown and Jordan Farmar played great, hitting clutch shots, combining for 10 points and 4 assists off the bench. However, Jackson still feels Derek Fisher's experience will be a greater impact.

Phil, your the best coach in the NBA, stop letting this idea that experience means more.
Fisher has played sloppy all post-season and is should be benched. Both reserve guards have easily outplayed him, making more consistent shots, and playing better defense. Fisher can't find his shot, so he just find his way to the bench because he's hurting LA more more than helping.

LA purposely made Kobe a decoy for Fisher to take the last shot, and he missed a wide open three-pointer that would've sent the game into overtime.

I'm not a hall-of-fame coach with nine rings, but it's obvious Fisher shouldn't be out there. This so called experience he should be bringing is not having any type of factor. Fish, you've had a nice career and have had some clutch shots, but you don't have it anymore. Phil please don't make the same mistake again, because this team is to talented to be losing games like these.
We Should Take Game 3 Though.

Who Needs Teammates!

Was game 1 great, or what?

If that was a preview of how this series will be then strap up, because this is playoff basketball. Both teams were hungry, however the teams weren't the main attraction. It was Kobe vs Carmelo, and boy was it good.

Melo started the game hot, but Kobe finished the game like the clutch performer he always is. Melo led his Nuggets to a eight point first quarter lead, dropping 14 points. He came out on fire, no denying that, but where were his teammates? It may look as if his teammates helped, but they didn't when it counted. Denver missed 12 free throws which is inexcusable since they all are good free throw shooters. Denver's Box Score.

Moreover, the night belonged to who else? Kobe Bryant.

His teammates were no where to be found, so he took it upon himself to win game 1 and I'm glad he did. If Denver was smart, they would've took Billups and Anthony Carter off Bryant after realizing his team wasn't contributing that much. Kobe made them pay, especially in the 4th quarter.

"Once I sensed we didn't have the energy, I had to take it upon myself to lead by example," he said. "It's just part of my responsibilities to this team" stated Bryant on

The Best Closer!

With the game going back and fourth as it did, i knew Kobe would eventually take over and control the game himself. He dropped 18 points in the fourth and they weren't easy baskets. And if that isn't enough, he was guarding Melo down the stretch, who still had a hot hand. What more can you ask for?

However, while Kobe exceeded my expectations, the Lakers might of been down one game to none if it hadn't been for the Trevor Ariza steal. With 30 seconds left and Denver inbounding, Ariza came off a screen to steal a lob from Anthony Carter to Billups which led to time being drained off the clock. Kobe, in each of LA's last possessions hit 6 clutch free throws which led to the 105-103 victory.

The Western Conference Finals has shaped up to be what we all want.

It's the LA Lakers vs the Denvern Nuggets in a 1-2 seed match up, in which there will be outrageous point totals. LA should be an easy favorite in this series after winning the regular series 3-1, but since Denver has caught on fire, everyone is skeptical now.

Denver is a team that is very versatile and can beat you in a numerous of ways. The duo of all-stars Chauncey Billups and Carmelo Anthony are vital in Denver's chances because they are the team leaders. Click here for Denver stats.

If one or either stars don't show up, then Denver is done. However, Denver's bench will be the x-factor because their play has too match Billups and Anthony's and more for them to win this series. J.R. Smith has to knock down three's while Chris Anderson has to continue being a defensive force and rebounding machine.

LA will easily dismantle Denver's defensive pressure because the duo of Kobe and Gasol is unguardable. Kobe's aggressive to attack their rim while also hitting fade aways will shake Denver's confidence. Moreover, Kobe has Billups on him so his job will be easier. Billups is holding the best perimeter player in the game, and he's holding him while he's at his best. Kobe and LA's post-season stats.

It's funny how everyone is loving Denver when they start to catch on fire. But that fire has to be light out eventually, and LA will definitely put out the match.

Denver success is mainly due to Chauncey Billups, because without him they wouldn't be able to reach the Conference Finals. LA's guards Shannon Brown and Jordan Farmar will tire him out, as well as get him in foul trouble which limits his time on the court. They have no solid point guard on the bench to produce as much as Billups can, and LA will capitalize on that.

LA's strength overall will lead them to the finals. Their inside game is dangerous, and Denver doesn't have anyone I think who is tough enough to hold Gasol, Bynum, and Odom. Even if they try to double team them, all are great passers which will leave people open and easy jump shots will be made.

The Lakers should take this series to 6 games, and easily win in Denver heading to the finals for the second straight year.

Twin Towers!

There is no way to sum up this LA-HOU series but exciting and controversal, but the only thing that matters is LA's moving on to the Western Conference Finals to face the Denver Nuggets.

The Lakers gave us all a scare by letting this series drag on to seven games, however when Kobe Bryant is playing then that fear goes away. The funny part is everyone thought Kobe would come out a light it up, but he only had a Meier 14 points, and grabbed 7 rebounds. However, his presence on the floor had a greater impact.

The 7 foot tag team of Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum paid great dividend because Houston had no answer for them. Gasol dominated the game from start to finish on the offensive end, while Bynum showed how his inside presence can be deadly. Gasol and Bynum combined for 36 points, 24 rebounds and five blocks.

LA as a team wasn't even at their best offensively scoring 89 points (their lowest in a win this post-season). But they didn't need offense yesterday as everyone predicts since their defense was almost spectacular. As a team they managed 10 blocks, forcing 17 turnovers. LA held Houston to 70 points which was their lowest this post-season.

Domination! I think so.

If this doesn't prove how good the Lakers are and can be, I don't know what else will. Their determination is undeniable. Everyone is hungry and putting more than enough effort to accomplish their main goal.

Whoever thinks because Denver is on fire, they'll win this series, think again. This may be the second best series of this entire post-season if both teams come out and give it their all, which they'll do.

When Will It End!

Where are the LA Lakers?
This is the most confusing team remaining in the playoffs by far. How can you blowout a team by 40, and receive the same treatment two days later. The Lakers are starting to not only embarrass themselves, but the Western Conference. Not one team during the regular season man-handled LA like Houston has the last two games at home.

Since when did Luis Scola became Shaq? How is it that he can score 26 points and grab 12 rebounds without anyone contesting any of his shots. Gasol in particular. Aren't you a 6'10 all-star with lengthy arms. One block would've been nice, or contesting some of his shots.

"There's nothing to worry about," coach Phil Jackson, stated on,"We are just going to go out and play. It's our home court and it's what we play for. We play a different game on our court, and that's pretty obvious to see."

Are You Serious?!

This loss ought to be on you Phil without a doubt. From game 3 on, he's played a starting lineup at times that doesn't have the same chemistry as before. Jordan Farmar should've been implemented since his great play in game 3, and so on. Phil ultimately believes that experience will have a better impact, however that hasn't worked thus far. LA is still starting Andrew Bynum who doesn't even no where is he at times on the floor. LA's biggest flaw in last year's Finals lost was not having Bynum and his inside presence, but with him back there actually looking worse.

Last year, the Celtics endured back-to-back 7 game series wins in which everyone started to criticize them after a tremendous season. Now the Lakers are receiving the same treatment when people should jus acknowledge tough this Houston team is. These doubts are a merely just jealous fans of the Lakers.

LA will definitely win game 7, for easy reasons. It's in LA where Kobe isn't going to let the fans down as well as his team and he will have a monster game because he isn't going to be content without another NBA title. I'm glad LA had this test because they've learned about themselves more than any other team remaining in the playoffs. They had to be driven so they know winning a NBA title isn't hard.

Shining Stars!

The 2009 NBA playoffs has been nothing short of amazing. The NBA's elite players have excelled, showing why they are so great. Here are my 5 MVP's (Most Vaulable Performers).

  • Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers)
What is else there to say about Kobe? The best all around player in the NBA still has it. He's been here, done that, so nothing ever comes as a surprise. Bryant's averaging 28 ppg which has increased since the first round. This second round series against the Rockets has seen Bryant go from a facilitator to an all out scoring machine. The bad thing is, the Rockets have two All-NBA defenders in Ron Artest and Shane Battier, and Kobe is still lighting them up. It wouldn't be a surprise if Kobe himself led LA to the Finals and ultimately winning it.

  • Rajon Rondo (Boston Celtics)
This is the MVP of the playoffs. Hands Down! The Celtics would be no where without this kid, let alone the second round. Their first round series against the Bulls was a instant classic and Rondo played to his potential and higher. He single handily led them to a 4-3 series victory producing three triple-doubles. As for the entire playoffs, Rondo is nearly averaging a triple-double with 17 ppg, 10 apg, 9 rpg. Rondo can easily lead the Celtics to another title, however it's unlikely seeing who they have to beat in the upcoming rounds.

  • Billups & Melo (Denver Nuggets)
This is easily the most underrated duo remaining in the playoffs. What's that talk about AI now? Ever since that trade in early November, Denver sky rocketed to the second best team in the West (behind the Lakers). Isn't it weird how no one is talking about Melo's performance in the playoffs. He has really grown from a surging star, to an elite player which is all due to Billups. Without Billups, Denver would have suffered another first round exit like the last couple of years. He doesn't just bring star quality, he also ensures leadership and great experience.

  • Lebron James (Cleveland Cavaliers)
The "King" himself has surely been entertaining. Knowing the competition between the first and second round would be scarce, James has lit it up to keep games interesting. James could easily be the playoffs MVP as well since he's been the Cavs only type of offense. However, if James has to always provide the bulk of the points, the Cavs will fail at capturing an NBA title. This is the same team who had the best record in the NBA, Coach of the Year, and MVP, but only one player is producing. "Bron Bron" get your team together, and quickly.

Enough is Not Enough!

If the Lakers-Rockets series hasn't been compelling and entertaining to you, then i don't know if your a real NBA fan. If you thought game 4 would be the same, i would've definitely agreed, but that was until the game actually started.

The magnitude of Houston's loss shows the 7 remaining teams in playoffs how deadly and dangerous these Lakers can be. After getting humiliated in game 4, it was only a matter of time before Kobe Bryant and the Lakers flipped the script. regaining control of this series.

LA started the game off hot, and didn't stop just there. LA increased their lead each quarter by at least 10 points except for the 4th quarter.

Domination isn't even the word.

Bryant who started off excellent, hitting shots from everywhere on the court wasn't the catalyst for LA's win. Finally, the bench came through producing 47 points which made the game much easier as time progressed. Jordan Farmar to be specific has been tremendous in the last 3 games.

After that horrendous game 4 loss, I was sure LA would came out and light a match that would never be put out. LA established a 40 point lead during the 3rd quarter and did it again 118-78 to pick up the win.

LA had lost their swagger and became vulnerable throughout the series so far, but after this game 4 blowout, I think they're back. Not only was their offense at it's peak, their defensive pressure was great. They're firing on all cylinders which can be devastating to a opponent because it means you have no chance.

And I mean NO CHANCE!

The Lakers should definitely put the dagger in the Rockets in game 6. I doubt LA will allow them to pick up another victory forcing a game 7 (which the Lakers would win). They want to get the series over with, so they can get some rest for the Western Conference Final, and whoever their opponent may be.

Title Pretenders!

With game 4 on the loom against the Houston Rockets, the Lakers were sure to pick up the victory. Yao Ming was diagnosed with a broken foot which led to him missing the entire Post-season. Plus, the Lakers were just coming off a game 3 victory and had tremendous confidence. However, the Rockets didn't let an injury prone Yao stop them from tying the series.

The Rockets jumped out to a 17-4 lead in the first quarter led by Shane Battier who hit three 3 pointer. Guard Aaron Brooks also chipped in with a career high 34 points helping his team to victory. The Rockets never let up, which meant only one thing.

An embarrassing loss by LA.

At halftime, the Rockets went into the locker room up 18. This would be a time in which coach Phil Jackson would talk some sense into his players, so they would actually look like the team people are predicting as champions. This would also be a time where captain and superstar Kobe Bryant would use his leadership and experience to rally his teammates.

None of those two things happened obviously, because in the 3rd quarter the Rockets came out and played the same as they did in the first half, increasing their lead to 29. This was the largest lead spotted on the Lakers this post-season, even facing a team without their two best players and finally at 100% health.

If this is the "best of the west", then we should already be giving the title to the Cavaliers. The Lakers finished the regular season 67-15, managing to get home court throughout the playoffs against the west, however it doesn't matter now.

The Lakers had trouble keeping large deficits against the Jazz in the first round, now their having struggles beating a team who is injury prone, and very small compared to them.

Should We Be worried?

The Lakers should be up 3-1 heading to LA, ready to close this series out. However, game 5 is probably the most important game of this series and the playoffs to the Lakers. LA has to regain their confidence and get back to when they were demolishing teams or their quest at a NBA title could be cut short.

LA should win game 5, because they have the best all around player in Kobe Bryant who is averaging 30 ppg in this series and isn't going to let his team head to Houston down 3-2. Also, those Lakers fans should inspire their team to victory as they've done most of the year.

LA, make me proud.

Home Court Advantage

Going into tonight's game between the Los Angeles Lakers and Houston Rockets, many people felt LA's chances weren't that great. However, they forget Kobe Bryant was playing and he proved otherwise, but it was his supporting cast that helped LA go up 2-1 in this series.

Jordan Farmar replaced Derek Fisher as the Lakers starting point guard in lieu of his suspension during game 2. In the first quarter Farmar showed why he was selected to start over rising guard Shannon Brown, with agressiveness to steal the ball in the beginning of the game which led to a Trevor Ariza dunk. Farmar finished with 12 points, and 7 assists.

Another vital member of the Lakers win was forward Lamar Odom who finally was placed back into the starting lineup. Odom started the game off by catching an alley-hoop pass from Trevor Ariza 9 seconds into the game.

The game belonged to Bryant though who went 5 for 6 from the field and had 11 points in the first quarter. However, he did struggle in the second quarter missing six of seven shots as well as a quiet third. Then the game really shifted when Bryant hit a 33-foot three pointer in the final 3 seconds at the buzzer.

The fourth quarter had it's compelling moments once again, as has this whole series. The Lakers held a 12 point lead entering the quarter and the game started to go back and fourth as time dwindled. Bryant continued to hit a numerous amount of difficult shots which propelled his team to victory. The biggest play of the quarter was Ron Artest getting ejected for the second straight game on a hard foul against Pau Gasol.

The Lakers 108-94 victory shifts home court back to the Lakers and puts them up 2-1 in this best 0f 7 game series.