Enough is Not Enough!

If the Lakers-Rockets series hasn't been compelling and entertaining to you, then i don't know if your a real NBA fan. If you thought game 4 would be the same, i would've definitely agreed, but that was until the game actually started.

The magnitude of Houston's loss shows the 7 remaining teams in playoffs how deadly and dangerous these Lakers can be. After getting humiliated in game 4, it was only a matter of time before Kobe Bryant and the Lakers flipped the script. regaining control of this series.

LA started the game off hot, and didn't stop just there. LA increased their lead each quarter by at least 10 points except for the 4th quarter.

Domination isn't even the word.

Bryant who started off excellent, hitting shots from everywhere on the court wasn't the catalyst for LA's win. Finally, the bench came through producing 47 points which made the game much easier as time progressed. Jordan Farmar to be specific has been tremendous in the last 3 games.

After that horrendous game 4 loss, I was sure LA would came out and light a match that would never be put out. LA established a 40 point lead during the 3rd quarter and did it again 118-78 to pick up the win.

LA had lost their swagger and became vulnerable throughout the series so far, but after this game 4 blowout, I think they're back. Not only was their offense at it's peak, their defensive pressure was great. They're firing on all cylinders which can be devastating to a opponent because it means you have no chance.

And I mean NO CHANCE!

The Lakers should definitely put the dagger in the Rockets in game 6. I doubt LA will allow them to pick up another victory forcing a game 7 (which the Lakers would win). They want to get the series over with, so they can get some rest for the Western Conference Final, and whoever their opponent may be.

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