Come Back To Reality!

Now at first I didn't mind this holdout by Lamar Odom, but now I'm getting annoyed.

Odom wanted a long term deal worth about 9-10 million dollars. To me that's a bit much for him, however LA was able to offer at least 1 of those things. LA was said to offer Odom a 3 year deal worth 30 million dollars.

Odom, who will turn 30 later this season should've ran with that offer. He wants a 5 year deal, but he probably wont be able to deliver as he does now during those 5 years. The only other team in the hunt for him is Miami, and what can he possibly do for that team. He'll aid Dwayne Wade in leading them to the playoffs, while also having a helping hand in their defeat in the post-season.

Odom and everyone else knows that Odom will only continue to have success in LA. Even though he's coming off the bench, he is still one of the most dangerous weapons in the league. Everyone putting LA's repeat on his shoulders clearly shows how vital he is to this team.

With Odom, LA is sure to make a third straight trip to the finals and probably win their second in a row. Without him, LA can still dominant in the West and make it back to the Finals, even winning it, but it isn't a sure thing.

I don't see why he is getting so greedy. Your poised to make 10 million dollars while coming off the bench, and that isn't good enough for you. I will say that Odom is the most versatile player in the league and probably the only 6-10 player who can dribble the ball like point guard while having the inside strength like a center.

Odom needs a reality check. Your not Kobe, Lebron, or D-Wade! And since your not them, don't expect to get paid like them.

I hope he doesn't think since he had a big hand in helping LA win the championship, they should repay him by giving him however much he wants. Let's not forget that last year Odom did nothing in LA's final defeat against Boston. He was man handled by every Celtic, and criticized all year until LA won the title.

He had one good year, wooooopppppttttyyyy dooooooo!

If he can do the same next year and be a force in the playoffs, then I say give him an extension maybe. But you can't just think after 1 good year out of 5 while in LA. He's looking more like Trevor Ariza now. Ariza thought since he had this one good year he should get what he is owed. The funny thing is, look where Ariza is now. In Houston, with a team who can barely keep their players healthy.

All I'm going to say is Odom needs to take a long look at what he is doing. He knows he wants more titles and LA is the best place for him to do that, so he needs to suck it up and take what ever deal is on the table.

He'll be back though. There's no way Odom is going to let another ring slip through his finger.

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