A Step Back!

Short and sweet, the Magic luckily won last night's game.

The Magic could've easily blew the Lakers out, but they couldn't finish. They had multiple leads of 5+ points and never increased it, instead letting LA regain their composure and confidence.

I will admit, they played a good game, but for everyone to say this series is over makes no sense. They only won by 4, and it's because LA made some errors early which caught back up to them.

LA played a good game. However, there were times where they looked awful in the way they moved the ball, and played defense. And what's worse, is how Kobe played. He's always yelling, and getting on his teammates when they do wrong, but last night should was solely on him.

He rushed shots, and didn't look for his teammates as much as he did in the first two games. He also was horrible at the free throw line, which is rare from him in this post-season. He's been shooting over 90% from the line, and he goes out and misses half of his free throws. Kobe, I'm all for pushing your teammates so they strive and make the team better, but you have to go out and do your end of the job.

LA's defense is what hurt them though. They let the Magic get to whole with ease, and that opened up a wide open three, or an easy pass to Dwight in the paint. And both were effective throughout the game. And I'll give it to the Magic they finally convinced me, that they deserve to be here. However, it doesn't mean that they'll just win the series.

That live or die three point mentality came back in effect, but if i were Orlando I'd still be worried. Your knocking down your threes, while getting a great inside presence from Dwight and you just manage to win the game by 4. They didn't capitalize on LA's mistakes and that will cost them in the future if they continue to do so.

And these [so called] Magic fans need to relax a bit, because it's only one win. They're still down 2-1 with the pressure riding on them. When they lost by 25 in game 1, where were you guys? You guys were all but silent, so don't go overboard now after they barely won. And I'm not even worried because I know La will take game 4. Kobe & company are going to be pissed at how they let that game slip away, and come out with no remorse.

LA has won at least one game on the road in each of their series this post-season, and i doubt that it will just stop there.

Game 4 is probably the most important game of this series. If LA wins then it's over, because the Magic aren't going to win three straight games against these Lakers, and especially not at Staples Center. However, if the Magic win, then it becomes a real series because you don't know which way it will go.

But LA will take game 4, with Kobe highly upset and maybe dropping another 40 point game. LA goes up 3-1 which ultimately erases the chances of Orlando winning the championship.

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