People Just Don't Get Enough

Even after the Lakers won the championship, they are people who still criticize them. I understand that some are upset because their favorite teams couldn't do what the Lakers did, but to continue hating on them makes no sense.

Many are saying LA only won the title because of Kobe, or because LeBron and the Cavs didn't make it to the Finals.

First off, if the Lakers were only about the Kobe show then they would've lost like they did last year against the Celtics. The Lakers had the best record in the West and that wasn't due to Kobe, but the team itself. Did Kobe lead the Lakers to 3 straight playoff victories against all tough Western Conference Conference opponents? I think not!

If that doesn't show it, just look at how the Finals shaped. It wasn't just Kobe that pushed the Lakers to NBA supremacy, it was his team. If Fisher doesn't hit those key three's in game 4, the series might look a little different. If Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol weren't double-double machines, while shutting down anything Dwight Howard or the Magic tried to do, this series could go either way.

So don't say Kobe is the only reason for LA winning the title, because it insults the great effort and hard work each and every player put on the floor.

And this whole story on how the Lakers were lucky that they didn't face the Cavs is bull.

It isn't LA's fault that the Cavs couldn't beat the Magic. The Magic easily handled the Cavs, and if the Cavs would've got past them, LA would've still beat them.

Lets not forget that LA was the first team to beat Cleveland on their home court. Lets also show that Cleveland was 0-2 against LA, so I don't see what them being in the Finals would've done. The would've probably got beat in five or six games.

People just need to respect the fact the Lakers are the champions, and that's it. They earned it, so give them the credit they deserve. When the Celtics embarrassed LA last year, I didn't like it but I still gave them credit so why can't all of you do the same.

When the season rolls around next year, we can discuss this all over again. Until then though, just let LA bask in glory.

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